Moonlight setup and pairing guide

Cloudy Pad requires Moonlight streaming client to connect to your instance.

Install Moonlight

Moonlight is available Windows, MacOS and Linux.

See Moonlight website for other installation methods.

Run Moonlight and connect to your instance

Pairing is done automatically when you run cloudypad create.

If needed, can pair your instance using Cloudy Pad CLI:

cloudypad pair my-instance

# Run this command in another terminal to pair your instance:
#   moonlight pair --pin 1234

Mac and Apple specificities

Some Mac / Apple device may prevent Moonlight to pair on non-local address. To workaround this, use an IPv6 address instead of the default IPv4 address when pairing by prefixing with [::ffff:[YOUR_IP]].

For example this IPv4

Becomes Ipv6
