Development guide


Set export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx variable and run:

# Will prompt for details and describe required actions
task release-create


Unit tests

Can be run without prior setup:

task test-unit

Integration tests

Integration tests are manual for now:

  • They require real Cloud accounts
  • They create real Cloud resources which are billed and may persist in case of failure, requiring manual cleanup and knowing about underlying tools

Do NOT run these integration tests if you're not sure about what you're doing to avoid being billed for Cloud resources.

Integration tests using CLI

test/integ/cli-full-lifecycle/ [aws|gcp|azure|paperspace]

Using Mocha

npx mocha test/integ/pulumi/preview.spec.ts
npx mocha test/integ/pulumi/up.spec.ts
npx mocha test/integ/paperspace/client.spec.ts


Development can be done under Nix development shell:

nix develop

Various dev tasks

Run app directly with npx:

npx tsx src/index.ts configure test-create-destroy-gcp

To debug Ansible playbook easily:

  • Run cloudypad with verbose log to show Ansible inventory temporary file, eg:
npx tsx src/index.ts configure test-create-destroy-gcp -v 4
# ...
# 2024-11-07 10:06:53.036 DEBUG   /dist/src/tools/ansible.js:14   AnsibleClient   Ansible command: ansible-playbook ["-i","/tmp/cloudypad-KlRsDX/inventory.yml","/cloudypad/dist/ansible/playbook.yml"]
# ...

Then run Ansible directly:

ansible-playbook -i /tmp/nix-shell.fD63LM/cloudypad-BX2kYb/inventory.yml ansible/playbook.yml -t wolf --start-at-task="Copy docker-compose file"

Will eventually add an easier way to pass custom Ansible options such as --ansible-additional-flag option or environment variable.

Development Virtual Machine

A local Virtual Machine can be created with Vagrant:

vagrant up

Machine IP is hardcoded in Vagrantfile to

Can be used to run Sunshine container and test Ansible playbook easily.

Fast Sunshine container build and import:

task dev-docker-sunshine-to-vm

Ansible test:

ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/dev-vagrant.yml ansible/sunshine.yml -t sunshine

Connect to Sunshine web UI (Sunshine is forwarded to local machine):


Local Pulumi stack manipulation

Nix development shell automatically set PULUMI_BACKEND_URL and PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE environment variables, allowing to manipulate Pulumi stacks locally.

# List stacks
pulumi stack ls -a

# Show stack resources
pulumi stack -s <organization/CloudyPad-XXX/STACK> --show-ids

# Destroy stack
pulumi destroy -s <organization/CloudyPad-XXX/STACK>


Updating Wolf version

Wolf is deployed via Docker Compose and templated config. To ensure reproducibility, Wolf version and apps images are pinned to a specific SHA.

To update Wolf:

  • Update Wolf version in ansible/roles/wolf/templates/docker-compose.nvidia.yml (stable with SHA)
  • Update images versions in ansible/roles/wolf/defaults/main.yml to use latest stable (master with SHA)
  • Update Wolf config template in ansible/roles/wolf/templates/wolf-config.toml using default config
    • Ensure proper Ansible templates variables are used

Adding a new provider

This section outlines how to add a new provider. It's still scarce but provides a basic entrypoint to help implemented a new provider.

Implementing a new provider requires to:

  • Implement various components to manage instance lifecycle (Runner, Provisioner, Initializer...)
  • Integrating these components into main code

Provider components

Each component must implement a stricly defined interface, allowing seamless integration in Cloudy Pad core:

  • Initializer - Prompt users for required options during creation.
  • Provisioner - Use Pulumi to deploy the instance.
    • Will require a Pulumi stack definition under src/tools/pulumi
  • Runner - Start/stop/restart instance.
  • State - Describe configuration and current state (outputs) for the instance.
  • Factory - Create Provisioner and Runner instances for global Instance Manager

Along with clients, Pulumi stack, etc. as required.

See existing providers for example in src/providers.

Integrate provider in Core

Integrate Provider in core, should be relatively straightforward:

  • Add provider state parser function in src/core/state/parser.ts
  • Add provider name and classes in src/core/const.ts
  • Add provider Instance Manager builder function in src/core/manager-builder.ts
  • Add a create sub-command for provider in src/index.ts with options matching provider state interface.