Auto Stop: inactivity detection and automatic shutdown
Inactivity detection (Auto Stop) automatically shuts down your instance when no activity is detected to avoid overcost.
Enabling/disabling Auto Stop is done on instance creation via cloudypad create <provider> --autostop-enable=[true|false] --autostop-timeout <seconds>
or interactive prompt.
To change configuration post-creation use cloudypad update
, for example:
cloudypad update <provider> --name <my-insytance> --autostop-enable true --autostop-timeout 600
How it works
Auto Stop regularly check for Moonlight activity on port 47999 (Control Port). If no activity is detected within the configured timeout, Auto Stop will shut down the instance.
Auto Stop is installed as systemd service cloudypad-autostop
. You can stop/start and get logs with:
sudo systemctl stop|start|status cloudypad-autostop
sudo journalctl -u cloudypad-autostop -f